David Beckham - ''I talk American''

David Beckham said: "I catch myself calling my kids "dude" every once in a while, so there are a few words creeping in. And using American words like elevator instead of lift."
Since departing the U.K., 37-year-old Victoria has left behind her Spice Girl roots and forged a successful career for herself as a fashion designer.
And according to David, their sons Brooklyn, 13, Romeo, nine, and six-year-old Cruz have inherited their mother's sense of style.
David, 36, told The Sun newspaper: "They're at the age when they want to wear their own things.
"You've got the oldest, Brooklyn, and he'll wear his soccer shirts and a T-shirt.
"Romeo is the fashion one, so he'll go in and pick up skinny jeans and a vintage T-shirt and a funny hat.
"Cruz loves Justin Bieber, so anything he's got Cruz wants, like the big high-tops with skinny jeans. They all have their own style."
David Beckham - ''Hablo con acento americano''
''Me sorprendo a mi mismo llamando ''dude'' a mis hijos a veces, hay algunas palabras que se me empiezan a pegar. Y digo ''ascensor'' con la palabra americana (elevator) en vez de la inglesa (lift)''
También habló de sus niños:
''Estan en la etapa en la que quieren vestir con su propio estilo.
Por un lado esta Brooklyn, quien siempre viste con sus camisetas de futbol y sus remeras. Romeo es el fashionista, asique entrará al vestidor y elegirá jeans ajustados, una remera vintage y un sombrero con estilo. Cruz es fanatico de Justin Bieber, asique todo lo que el cantante usa...es lo que quiere Cruz, como las remeras gigantes.''

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