Victoria no usa más autobronceador

La esposa de David Beckham dice está totalmente en contra de bronceado artificial.

Aunque ella dice que recurrió a trucos como el tiempo Victoria llegó a sus sentidos y ahora quiero oírlo.

“No más Bronceado artificial ‘. En el pasado lo he usado para ponerme dorada. Ahora están bronceados porque viven en Los Ángeles. Aferrense a su color natural!”, dijo la ex Posh Spice.

Victoria dijo tambien que le encanta compartir info sobre los tips de belleza que encuentra 'No soy de esconder secretos de belleza''. ''Me encanta Chanel, Stila y Armani. Estoy obsesionada con el brillo labial de Burberry nº9 y nº10. Hice un tweet sobre eso, todo el mundo tiene que tener uno!'

Victoria Beckham thinks fake tan looks “a bit footballer’s wife”.

The 36-year-old former Spice Girls singer, who is married to soccer star David Beckham, admits she has previously experimented with giving herself a bronzed glow but has now realized it is not a good look for her.

She said, “I don’t wear fake tan anymore. Sometimes I’ve been turned orange but that’s definitely a look from my past.

“Being overly tanned is very ageing and, dare I say it, a bit footballer’s wife. I’m a little tanned from being in Los Angeles but I don’t use self-tan. Embrace your natural colour!”

Though she hates fake tan, Victoria has a lot of beauty products she uses regularly and she admits one of the reasons she joined twitter was to share her tips with her fans.

She said, “I love sharing my favourite beauty finds, I’m not one to keep beauty secrets.

“I love Chanel, Stila and Armani. I’m obsessed with the new Burberry Lip Gloss Nos. 9 and 10. I tweeted about it – everyone has to get one.”

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