David en su facebook

David Beckham Hi all. I am on my way to Finland to see a specialist and have a scan on the injury. I am upset but wants to thank everyone for their messages of support. I hope to make a swift and full recovery. Thanks, David.
More than 3,000 fans have left him messages there.

David nos cuenta en su facebook que esta camino a Finlandia para ver a un especialista y ver la lesión. Dice ''Estoy triste pero quiero agradecerle a todos por sus mensajes de apoyo. Espero mejorarme completamente. Gracias, David.'' Hay mas de 3.000 mensajes de fans allí.


Sara said...

Wow he has facebook, i had no idea!

Suki said...

I'm so gutted for him.

Don't know he has a facebook page. Could you please post the link?

Thanks & All the best do David