David Beckham junto a James Corden - Sports Relief

Esto se grabó hace un par de semanas ya. Es una escena de 3 minutos y en ella David y James Corden comparten un baño de burbujas a la luz de las velas ''solo porque así lo quisieron'' dijo una fuente.
''Incluso, David muestra su apreciaición por el cuerpo de James asintiendo con a cabeza. Olvidense de la comedia de oro - esto es comedia de platino.''
James describe a David como ''simplemente adorable''.
Currently recovering from surgery on his torn Achilles tendon, the shot was taken during a sketch filmed several weeks ago for the BBC's Sport Relief.
In a three-minute scene, the comedian and AC Milan superstar strip off and share a candle-lit bath "for no other reason than they want to", a source tells the Mirror.
"David even gives James's body an appreciative nod at one point. Forget comedy gold - this is comedy platinum."
Corden has already chatted about hooking up with the 34-year-old for Sport Relief, describing him as "just lovely".

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