Clinica Mehilainen en Turku, Finlandia.
Cirujano: Sakari Orava
Mehilainen Clinic in Turku, Finland.
Surgeon: Sakari Orava
Orava said Beckham was a good patient and a joy to treat.
'He is a very sympathetic, peaceful and nice person. Looks you in the eyes,' Orava said. 'Our nurses also said that he's a great patient and doesn't complain about anything.'
Aw he left Finland? So soon?
She looks amazing, god i love that feather Fendi caot, i know many hate it, but i would so have it.
yes, this morning. i guess he's already in London. He'll stay there for a while then he'll go to LA.
hahaha i DESPISE VB in furs. i think they dont suit her!
and im fed up of seeing always the same style.
well........ im happy she didnt go all stylish in such an ocassion.
but others?... c'mon! i miss VB's brain put on style.. u know what I mean? she would mach stripes and flowery patterns and make them look so amazingly perfect.
I guess its a personal choice, i have just always loved fur (the luxury of it), and i think it suits her style perfectly. I mean she is the kind of woman who dresses with disregard to weather, so imagine how perfect it is to have a fur coat you can throw over a tank top and skinny jeans not to freeze to death, lol.
But i get many people hate it, i do love VBs cooridnated outfits as well though, no one can match like she does, its so glamorous, and she pulls it off.
Oh i didnt know about David, that is great he is already in London, hopeuflly he is good enough to go bakc to LA soon, to his boys and sunny LA weather haha, rehab will go faster by there with the family around.
hay pobre!!!! que lastima que me dio :/ pero que bueno que todo resultó bien. Esperemos que se recupere pronto.
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