Scan: Victoria & Paris: Como dos gotas de agua.

Un articulo muy interesante (jaja) sobre la noticia de que Paris Hilton quiere ser la próxima Victoria Beckham. Que opinas? realmente podrá cumplir su sueño Paris?

Here we have an article that came out in an argentinian newspaper about Paris Hilton wanting to become ''a Victoria beckham''. The title says something like 'Paris, the spitting image of Victoria' .. ironic, of course lol. They say Paris wants to conquer Ronaldo's heart to achieve her goal.
What do you think? will she achieve it? hahahaha.

GRACIAS, GONX!!! por el scan.
[*Pedimos disculpas por la falta de actualizaciones. Estamos muy ocupadas con estudios y trabajo. Ademas, estamos agregando muchas cosas en el foro (fotos de todos los años de los Beckhams, etc)
*We would like to apologize for the lack of updates. We are very very busy with study, work, and adding a lot more to the forum (old pictures, etc).]


Anonymous said...

vote for david

Anonymous said...

this should be the correct link
i'm sorry that i posted the wrongly link in the above....