Beckham fragance

Mayo 2011: La editora de belleza de la revista semanal Woman: 'Durante el almuerzo con Coty (En Nobu) revelaron el nuevo aviso para la fragancia de David Beckham, Homme. Saldrá el 28 de julio, tiene un aroma a especias con gotitas de cuero, pimienta, piña y cítricos'
May 2011: Beauty editor at weekly magazine Woman wrote: During lunch with Coty (In Nobu - amaze!) they revealed the new David Beckham advert for this latest fragrance, Homme. Out on the 28 July it’s a spicy scent with notes of leather, pepper, pine and citrus - but let's face I’m really just looking forward to seeing more of this pretty picture splashed about!

Coty Fotos / Pictures

Thank you to Coty &

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