Victoria Beckham dijo a la revista Glamour: ''Licencia por maternidad - qué es eso?' bromeó. ''He estado trabajando increíblemente duro para estar preparada para la próxima temporada.''
''Mis hijos y mi esposo siempre serán mi prioridad, pero, para mi, lo que hago profesionalmente no lo siento como un trabajo - es mi pasión''
''Han sido momentos realmente dichosos para mí. Me apasiona hacer que las mujeres se sientan y se vean hermosas, y el mejor halago que puedo recibir es que ellas disfruten lo que hago.''
Victoria Beckham fue premiada como 'Mejor diseñador de accesorios'' en los premios Glamour 2011.
Speaking to Glamour , the star, who is eight-months pregnant with her fourth child, revealed that she won't be taking any down time until she gives birth next month.
"Maternity leave - what's that?", she joked. "I've been working incredibly hard so I'm prepared for next season."
Should that inspire guilt in other expectant mothers on leave, Beckham pipes up that "being a working mum is hard. I think women can relate to me when I say it's like juggling glass balls."
When not in mummy mode to Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and, soon, her baby girl, Beckham designs for her hit fashion collection, which now includes accessories. Her luxe bags, which sell in the region of £2,000 plus, have been much lauded; for that, she was awarded the Accessory Designer of the Year accolade at the Glamour Women of the Year shindig earlier this week. "My husband and children will always be my priority. But, for me, what I do professionally doesn't feel like a job - it's my passion."
"It's been a really exciting time for me. It's my passion to make women look and feel beautiful, and the highest compliment I can receive is when women enjoy what I'm doing." VB, you've just received the highest compliment, courtesy of yours truly.
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