Palabras de David y Victoria Beckham sobre Simon Fuller

Simon Fuller, David Beckham & Victoria Beckham (2005)
Simon Fuller & Natalie Fuller

Natalie Fuller in Victoria Beckham dresses - Harper's Bazaar July 2010

''Simon ha sido nuestro representante, compañero de negocios y gran amigo por 15 años. Su lealtad, integridad y humildad lo hacen verdaderamente único.'' dijeron Victoria y David Beckham a 'The Hollywood Reporter.

Y agregaron: ''Él es un visionario increíble, construyendo entretenimiento y marcas de moda. Su pasión e impacto en actos de caridad alrededor del mundo nos llena de mucho orgullo conocerlo a él y a su hermosa familia.''


About Simon Fuller, who has recently received a Star un the Walk of Fame, in Hollywood:

Simon has been our manager, business partner and close friend for 15 years. His loyalty, integrity and humility make him truly unique,” Victoria and husband David Beckham told THR in a joint statement.

“He is an incredible visionary, building entertainment and fashion brands. His passion and impact on charity around the world makes us enormously proud to know him and his beautiful family,” they added.

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