David y sus accesorios

Me llamó la atención el brazalete blanco y el ...¿rosa? que ví en las muñecas de David. Aparece en las fotos durante el entrenamiento y en el auto al salir de la cena con su familia. Buscando información sobre el objeto, encontré que es un brazalete para el balance de la energía del cuerpo. Funciona a través de un holograma (ver el circulo en el brazalete) y este responde al campo de energía natural del cuerpo. Esto te permite llevar a cabo tus actividades con el máximo nivel de habilidad.
I saw David Beckham wearing two bracelets. One in white and the other on in ...pink?. They can be seen in the pictures during the training session and in the car leaving dinner with his family. Searching and searching info about it, I've found out it is a bracelet for power balance!



Sara said...

You guys are SO good, i was just thinking about them, and kids have them as well. So i was wodnering if they have a meaning, and then i head on your blog, and of course you found them haha. Rock on!

Figueroa Linares said...

So glad we didn't dissapoint u, Sara!
Im happy to be back, i missed searching stuff about them lol.
When i saw the bracelet i was like ''wtf is that??'' lol.
