Una fuente dijo al diario inglés The Sun que David Beckham pasa muchas horas en la cocina ultimamente.
''David se ha enfocado en cocinar ultimamente. Ha aprendido mucho mientras estaba en Italia y ha tenido mucho tiempo para enfocarse en su nuevo hobby. Le ha estado mostrando a los niños cómo cocinar platos sencillos de pasta y se han divertido mucho juntos. El próximo 17 de abril es el cumpleaños 36 de Victoria y David y los niños esperan haber aprendido a cocinar una buena comida para ella. Algo positivo dentro de toda la mala suerte es que David esta pasando mucho tiempo con sus hijos.''
Footballer David Beckham has reportedly been spending more time in the kitchen since being ruled out of the World Cup with an injury. The 34-year-old star will not be in England's World Cup line-up in June after snapping his Achilles tendon. Since hearing the news, he has reportedly been cooking up a storm with his kids according to a source speaking with The Sun.
"David has really got into cooking recently. He learned a lot while he was in Italy and he's had plenty of time to focus on his new hobby. He has been showing the boys how to make simple pasta dishes and they've all had a great time together in the kitchen. It's Victoria's 36th birthday on April 17 and David is hoping the boys will have learned enough to cook her a birthday meal. One small pleasure from the bad luck is that he is spending time with the kids."
David and Victoria want a baby girl
Según UK Sun, luego de tener a sus tres niños, la pareja esta buscando una hija. Los doctores de Victoria le recomendaron que agregue pasta, arroz y pan negro a su alimentación, ya que su dieta no le ayudará. ''Sus doctores le dijeron que aunque su dieta es sana, no le dará muchas oportunidades de concebir, especialmente a sus 35 años'' dijo una fuente cercana amiga de la pareja al dario inglés The Sun.
According to the UK Sun, after her and her husband gave birth to three children, the couple is trying once again to conceive in the hopes that they get a little sister for their other younger children.
Reportedly, Victoria’s doctor recommends that the former Spice Girl plumps up her diet from her typical fare to more high-carb items such as pasta, rice and brown bread. A family friend close to Victoria told The Sun, “She’s been told by docs her diet, though healthy, would not give her the best chance of conceiving, particularly in her 30s.”

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