"Una pintura donde aparece David Beckham crucificado fue centro de una investigación policíaca. Oficiales visitaron la galería de arte de Johnny Cotter, para hablar con el artista de la obra 'Listen to me and not to them' (Escúchenme a mí, no a ellos' en inglés)", publicó este lunes el diario inglés 'Daily Mail'.
Al parecer la obra había ofendido a varias personas, razón por la que las autoridades visitaron al pintor.
La obra muestra al jugador inglés crucificado con una camisa roja manga larga de la selección inglesa. Se puede ver que el jugador está sangrando a través de sus manos y sus pies.
Beckham tiene una corona de espinas y a sus pies se puede ver el actual trofeo de la Copa del Mundo de la Fifa y el Jules Rimet, el antiguo. Adicional a esto hay un billete que posa sobre la cabeza del volante inglés.
Cotter dijo al diario británico que "esta no es una pintura del anticristo. El punto de esta obra es preguntarnos a quién se venera en el siglo 21".
"Es Dios o es gente como David Beckham o estrellas de la televisión que ganan millones y son admirados", agregó. "Escogí a Beckham porque él es un ícono moderno y es conocido en el mundo entero".
"Desde que la obra está en exhibición he recibido pequeñas protestas. Me han dejado biblias en el buzón del correo y varias notas en las que me piden que me aleje del diablo", contó el artista. "Yo he intentado explicar que no es una pintura religiosa. Es una pieza de arte moderno".
Artist Mr Cotter who created the work said two police officers visited him and told him there had been a complaint that it was causing offence.
He agreed to take it down but was last night contacting police again to see under what law they acted.
Celebrity: David Beckham was chosen to investigate 'who we worship' in the 21st century, said the artist
He said: 'This is not an anti-Christian painting. The point of it is to question who we worship in the 21st century.
'Is it God or is it people like David Beckham or reality TV stars who get paid millions and are looked up to.
'I chose Beckham because he is a modern day icon and known the world over. I am commenting on the cult of modern day celebrity.
'Who do we really worship in the 21st Century? In fact the local vicar told me I have done more to open up debate in Folkestone on religion than anyone else for 30 years.
'I have had complaints but they are outnumbered by the people who have admired it.'
The painting has been on show since November. He said Boy George had been in touch to see if he could acquire the work.
The artist said: 'The painting appeared in my window the day I opened and I had a small doorstep protest, bibles pushed through my letterbox and various notes and letters condemning me and telling me to turn away from the devil.
'I have tried to explain its not a religious piece but a thought provoking piece of modern day art.'
A Kent Police spokesman said: 'Two officers visited the art gallery and explained there had been a complaint.
'When the owner said the work in question was due to be taken down at the end of the week it was decided no further action would be taken.'
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